Relaxation Group

Help yourself learn to relax on cue and lower stress, anxiety, blood pressure, pain, etc. by learning deep breathing and visualization techniques from guided meditations. You are welcome to join us in a small group setting for six weeks where we will practice different styles of relaxation each week. Helpful hints and some instructions are…

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Tuna for Heart & Brain Health

Both canned and fresh tuna are healthy sources of omega 3 fats, which have been shown to contribute to lower blood pressure and prevention of heart disease and stroke. Omega 3 fats are also associated with reducing inflammation which can boost the body’s ability to fight other chronic diseases like breast, prostate and colorectal cancers and macular degeneration. Omega 3 fats are also important for fetus development and improved infant health outcomes.

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Give Turnips a Turn

Let’s kick off the New Year by highlighting a much-underused vegetable great for winter soups and stews, salads and dips. Turnips look like a root vegetable but are actually members of the cruciferous or cabbage family. Like its family members broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale, it contains sulforaphane, a compound found to be protective against cancer. These beauties are also high in fiber and vitamin C and the greens are a great source of calcium.

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